Winging it

26 May

I’ve been getting the most intense stares on the subway lately. I can’t tell if it is my frizzy humidity hair attracting attention or the fact that I am reading Beekeeping for Dummies on my morning commute. Nothing wakes me up better than reading about swarming bees. I wouldn’t mind it if said gawkers would just ask me about it rather than coming to their own conclusions about my business attire, flip flops and beekeeping literature.

I have been reading up on what to look for during our first hive inspection. I am anxious to get in there and see the girls in action bascially because I know nothing and my only hope is to dive in and see for myself. Unfortunately, we don’t have a hive tool, the absolute 101 of beekeeping. Hive tools are metal bars that help lift the lid of the hive and move around the frames once inside.

Hive tool

I ordered one from but it won’t come before we inspect. We will just have to wing it.

Everything I’ve read IE Beekeeping for Dummies says to open the hive on a sunny, hot day between 10-5. The thinking is that on a warm day some of the bees will be out foraging so there will be less bees to deal with when inspecting. Once the sun goes down and the temperature drops, the girls come home for the night. Of course we aren’t much into doing things by the book so we are planning on doing after work this week since the forecast looks the most promising.

3 Responses to “Winging it”

  1. Honey Pat May 27, 2011 at 6:50 pm #

    So the bees are girls? I thought there was one queen and the rest are male worker bees. I guess I’m one of those dummies your book is written for!!!

    • jnsilva2 May 27, 2011 at 9:10 pm #

      All worked bees are ladies. Just the drones are male and they get booted once there job is done.


  1. The Grand Opening « Lovebugs and the Brooklyn Bees - June 1, 2011

    […] be around and the weather would be warm enough to do a hive inspection. We didn’t have our hivetool so we gathered a flat head screw driver, a paint scraper, and a small crowbar to do the trick. […]

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